
Kroger & Meijer...

Ok so...
Make sure you load up your Kroger card w/the e-Coupons

Olay Ribbons Body Wash is on sale for $1.99. e-Coupon for B1G1 Makes these only .99 each. And if you have a coupon for this, it's even sweeter.

CoverGirl is 25% off... I found a mascara for $3.72. Load the e-Coupon for B1G1, bring along 2 $1 off Cover Girl coupons, and end up paying $1.72'ish for BOTH. (.86 ea?)

I also found some really cute BRIGHT BRIGHT shades of eyeshadow - single cake - for around $2.70 - use w/$1 off Cover Girl for an inexpensive shadow. There were also some "normal" colors, but this is for the daughters... so

I found also some Sally Hansen Nail Polish for .75, (usually .99). It was on an endcap, and they were on on cards sealed with plastic - hanging. I didn't have my Sally Q's w/me, but .75 for decent polish is a screamin' deal. I'll be back tomorrow, lol.

Pantene is $3.33 each, so buy 2 (1 Shampoo OR Conditioner, and 1 Styler), load the e-coupon for B1 shampoo/conditioner, G1 Styler Free. Stack with $1 off ManQ's to make it $1.33 for both!

Sweet deals, right? But that's not even why I'm excited about Kroger today...

I found Cinnamon Sticks for cheap, FINALLY!! We've been in an "autumn" kind of mood, and craving mulled cider... We just paid around $5 at the WalMart for them, and it was like six 3 inch sticks. Kroger has a shrink wrapped bundle of about 6 sticks (12 inches long) for $1.99!!! Seriously... Just in time too...

Meijer Super Saturday Sale!! (Will take you to my ads...)
Ruffles Chips B1G1
3 6pks of 24oz Pepsi Bottles for $6.99
$1.77 for 5lbs of Gold Medal Flour
General Mills Cereals - Select Varieties - $1.89
(Not a hot deal, but it's for Boo Berry, Frankenberry, and Count Chocula - so yeah)

Spend $50 - $99 General Merchandise/Apparel, get a register receipt tape coupon for $10 off your total purchase of Gasoline. 8gal fill up required.
Spend $100+ General Merchandise/Apparel, get a register receipt tape coupon for $20 off your total purchase of Gasoline, 8 gal fill up required.

There's a bunch more fine print, but I really cannot read it. My store didn't have a paper copy of this ad, go figure.

So there's plenty of fun deals in there... What caught my eye was the Cider to go w/my cheap Cinnamon Sticks. I love FALL!

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