
I just can't help myself... I know

So I had to go back and re-do a few deals, I apologize in advance that my deals are little sketchy. I had a major crappy-checkout experience kind of day...

First stop was CVS - to find the ever-elusive ArniCare. I have found one store that has it so far, and it's not exactly convenient to go there often... But it's worth it because of the ECB I get back, and the fact that my son loves this.. It's great for his little calves' growing pains. (legs, not livestock)

1 Arnicare @ 9.49
-- used $2/1 ManQ printable
15 Soy Joy @ .50 ea
-- used 1 $3/5 ManQ printable
-- used 1 $2/10 ManQ
1 Cottonelle Wipes @ 2.00
-- used $1/1 printable
1 Reese's PB Cup @ .88

Used $2/10 CVS Q
Used $7 ECB
OOP: $1.04
Got back $8 ECB

Then off to Walgreens... Had a few more $5/$20 Q's just dying to get used, plus my ESR Gift Card was reloaded overnight. Happy me, oh happy day.

1 IndyStar (advance) Sunday Paper @ 1.75
1 Charmin 12pk @ 6.49
2 L'Oreal Color Match Hair Colors @ 9.00 ea
-- used $2/1 Walgreens Q (Crappy cashier manually rang it up, would ONLY allow 1)
-- used 2 $2/1 ManQ printables
2 L'Oreal Vive Gloss (Shampoo/Conditioner of the GODS)
-- used 2 $1/1 ManQ
$5/$20 Q
Paid 23.26 OOP (Gift Card)
Got back $10 RR for buying $25 worth of L'Oreal (and these products get used DAILY here... so it was well worth it.)

Then to the Walgreens near the house.

1 Slim Fast Bars @ 4.99 ea
-- attempted to use $1.25 ManQ Printable (accused of fraud)
1 Slim Fast Optima Shake *clearanced* at 3.49
-- attempted to use $1.25 ManQ printable (again w/the fraud)
Rimmel LF Foundation @ 7.49
-- used $1/1 ManQ
6hr Energy Shot Stuff @ 3.99
Loreal Towelettes @ 6.99 ea (these are awesome, btw)
-- used $1/1 ManQ

Used $5 off $20 Q
(while cashier was handing my "fraudulent internet printed coupons" back to me, one of them must have scanned, so I did end up saving $1.25... Although she doesn't have the Q for it... so I don't know where I stand there. Was a little too irritated to go back in and point out her error, what with me being a criminal and all. Rant over.

OOP 19.99 (on GC)
Rebates: $2 for Slim Fast (wording is dodgy, not sure if i get $2 or $4), $6.99 for L'Oreal Wipes, $7.49 for Rimmel, $3.99 for energy shots.

Then to the Kroger... Went through the UScan, and the cashier over-credited my "free" Kraft Cheese coupons to $4 (instead of $2.99).

12 Easy Macs @ .79 ea
-- 5 $1/2 ManQ
4 12oz Kraft American Cheese @ 2.99
-- used 4 "Free" Q's from All You
2 Glade Gel Warmers
-- used B1G1 Q
2 Cans Campbell's Chili @ 1.25 ea
-- prolly have Q's but didn't wanna dig for them

Used $4 worth of Glade Catalinas
Paid .98 OOP


Anonymous said...

Did the W-G cashier think you were doing "coupon fraud" because they were printables? I think I'd die if someone said that to me!

Anonymous said...

I know right? Well, per the cashier's admission - she had no idea what to do - and I believe her. She said she had remembered there being "something about internet coupons"... LOL (i'm sure it's the vyrl mkt q's -- which i NEVER printed or used) Her Mgr came over and proceeded to tell me that NO printable coupons were being honored by the companies, and they weren't being reimbursed for them. Which I know is BS -- just printed a coupon for $5.50 off Zantac that's offered through walgreens' website. I just smiled and asked for his name - Everett - and said I'd make sure and mention him in my conversation with WG customer service. If ignorance is bliss, that boy was in ecstasy.


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