
Cellfire Q's - Reminder

Here are the new coupons AVAILABLE NOW on CELLFIRE. Hurry and get them loaded, they'll only be available for 5 more days!!!

Have you saved your Cellfire Grocery Coupons yet? Take advantage of the coupons available today and save them directly to your grocery savings card. Once you save these coupons, you will have until 6/15/09 to redeem them.

To redeem coupons saved between 5/5 - 5/18

If you saved Cellfire Grocery Coupons between 5/5 and 5/18 and have not redeemed them yet, this is your last chance! Here are a few tips to you can follow when using Cellfire Grocery Coupons:
  • Print a shopping list of the coupons you've saved! Go to the "My Account" page on Cellfire and look for the printer icon
  • Double check that you've met all the requirements in the coupon details
  • Activate Cellfire Mobile to save grocery coupons while you are on the go!

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