
Get an Entertainment Book for $1.25!!

The cost of the Entertainment Book varies for each state - Mine is for $16.25! It's got some coupons for Meijer in it, so you know I'm all about that... So here's how you can get your entertainment book for $1.25!

-- register with cashbaq, they'll give you a $5 sign-up bonus that credits your account immediately. It was quick and easy signing up - make sure you log into the account and complete your info though... ie: name and address... Cashbaq offers money back on your online purchases... it's pretty cool!

-- then choose the entertainment book (offers $10 cashbaq - i like that word)... i just searched the page for "entertainment" and found it... click the link

-- once at the entertainment site, enter your zipcode to see the price for your book. (INDY was $16.25)

With free shipping and a total of $15 cashbaq, that makes the book a grand total of $1.25 OOP!
(You'll get the $15 credited back either via paypal or a check)

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