Trix Swirls® combines two mouthwatering fruity colors into every fun puff that will satisfy kids´ taste buds and spark their creativity! A good source of calcium and vitamin D, the Trix Rabbit won´t be the only one who can´t resist these fruity combos, which include lemony green, berry berry blue, and rasporangey orange!
The folks @ MyBlogSpark have provided me with 2 Trix Swirls® Creative Kid gift baskets that include a sample of the product along with a colorful apron, a set of watercolor pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, a sketchbook, and an art supply box.
I got mine in the mail today - and it sure is cool. The little apron is all tye dyed rainbow colored - great for a boy or a girl. It fit my 9 yr old "ok" - but would be better for a smaller child probably... Either way, it's a really neat kit, the sketchbook is pretty large, and the paints, brushes, and pencils are very nice.
If you would like to enter to win, leave a comment explaining what you think happened to the Trix to make it end up swirled... Like a giant yummy tornado happened in the Trix factory, etc...
(Comment with your email or a link to your blog so that I can let you know if you won!)
For a 2nd entry opportunity - Post about my giveaway on your blog, then post a separate comment with a link to your post! I will announce the 2 winners - drawn at random - Saturday July 25th!
We love trix's cereal in our home. I asked my daughter how she would make the Trix's swirly. She said "I would take the two colors push them together and swirl them around like play dough. Except I think Trix will taste a little better"
The guy running the machine sneezed and accidentally pushed all the color buttons at once which made the machine go crazy and mix all the colors together.
(sorry...that's the best I got ;)
My son loves to eat this (who am I kidding; I love it too). My son said they mixed it up like his spray chalk sprayer and have more than one color shoot out at the same time. (He got the sprayer for his birthday and loves it)
mom2kids.stephens at gmail dot com
My guys said that the colors started to play ring-around-the- rosy and got stuck.
It sounds like my children got to run the factory and were pushing all of the color buttons at the same time!
sashafras @ yahoo .com
I think one color jumped in another color vat, then a different color vat, then a different color vat, etc., all the while, he's spinning...then every other color followed suit.
I think the person mixing all the colors was color he just started dumping diff colors in whichever vat he thought matched...mmhmm, yep color blind worker...
Alisha -
Posted a blog about the contest..
Alisha -
I like the tornado explanation! I would say that the Trix are swirly because Trix moved into a haunted tie die factory and the ghosts of tiedying past haunted the machines and made everything tie die! Ahhhhhhh!
My email is in my blogger profile. Thank you so much for the giveaway!
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