
More Kmart Double Coupons?

A quick look at my ad indicates that they're only doubling .75 Q's... bummer.
-- If it's true. I read over at CSWM that the .75 is a misprint, and that they're actually doubling $2 (a $2 q would become $4)... but you'll need to call corporate (866-562-7848) to confirm. Read more at her CSWM! She's even got some match-ups listed as well... I'm gonna admit that my coupon binder is a HOT MESS since I got back from vacation... I haven't removed expired Q's for a few weeks, and I haven't filed a thing lately. Kind of makes me ill-prepared for a doubles event, but I'm gonna give it a go - maybe. Soccer started this week, so we're going to be kind of busy! But I love it... we're part of the best soccer club in SW Indianapolis!

here's a $5 off $50 Q for 5/3 - 5/9. :)

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