Ok - I got this email and kind of ignored it... But I'm glad I went back... Since joining all the survey sites - our house is always doing product tests... So the kids are really INTO giving their opinions. Especially at dinner time - mind you I don't ask for this feedback. So when I read this deal - I gotta say - I'm intrigued.
Michael Angelo's wants YOU to buy:
- 12 oz Michael Angelo's Meat Lasagna
- 10.5 oz Stouffer's Meat Lasagna
Then perform your own taste test comparison! Decide which you prefer...
- If you prefer Michael Angelo's Lasagna - you'll get 3 coupons for 3 single serve entrees (10-12 oz any flavor)
- If you prefer the Stouffer's Lasagna - you'll get your $$$ back for the purchase of the Michael Angelo's Entree.
I want to add that typically for my family, I make our own lasagna. Two teenagers (16 and 14), and a growing "pre-teen" (his words - NOT mine!! he's 11), and a 9 yr old that's taller than the 11! Not to mention a 6'4 husband who can eat ANYTHING and not gain an ounce. And he eats!! So it's not typically economical for us to buy these convenience foods. Having said that, a few months ago when Meijer had the Michael Angelo's Chicken Parmesan Entrees on clearance for like $1.50 or something, I bought a few - and they were really really good.
But here's my plan: Since the husband and I are going to Don Pablo's tomorrow for a late lunch, we're not going to be hungry for a dinner - so I'm going to get these 2 entrees - a box of garlic bread - and a can of peas. Can you believe my kids LOVE canned peas? Not frozen, only canned. Hey, I'll take advantage of it. Anyway - I'll let the kids do the taste test. I'm going to make little voting forms for them lol, make it kind of "fun" for them...
Oh - and some info about Don Pablos - if you haven't signed up for a Habanero card yet, you're definitely going to want to... They give you $$$ loaded to your card for your birthday (Turned 34 march 30th), and your card anniversary - which was recently... Plus I have a free appetizer that I haven't used yet, and an additional $5 added (total $25). All this is free money, I haven't ever used this card - we use the husbands. But I got an email recently saying they loaded $$$$ to my card, so I had to check it out!
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