
Quick Trip to Walmart

Ok so in order to do the runs I needed to do, I had to get to the WalMart to get a new USB Cable so I could PRINT Q's. I have managed to destroy my printer cable, and amazingly enough there's none laying around the house. My next large purchase will indeed be a printer that can hook up to my router so that I don't have to mess with cables anymore. Anyways... I took some of the trusty coupons that are out there with me, figured as long as I had to actually pay for something, I might as well get some stuff free too, right?

Here's the go...

Preparation H Wipes to Go @ 2.94 ea
-- used $3/1 printable
Tuck's Pads @ 2.64 ea
-- used $2/1 printable (coupons.com - use my sidebar plz!!!)
Durex Vibe Ring @ 4.96 ea
-- used $5/1 Q (search slickdeals)
Cinnamon Sticks @ 4.82 ea (OUCH - where can i get this stuff cheap?)
USB cable Ridiculously priced @ 10.97 ea

Now if you're not easily embarrassed and love a good laugh, get all of these items and take your internet printed coupons (totally legit, I might add) to WalMart and really really enjoy the conversation you'll get to have with the cashier and the manager. This is the second time I have purchased the tucks/prep h/durex combination, and both times I have had the fun and excitement of coupon scrutiny. Especially the Durex one... What's this one for? oh there it is, OH... OH OK!

Total OOP: $17.84

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gotta check DealRocker too. It has over two million product offers from about 2,000 merchants. DealRocker.com offers the best combination of deals and coupons at one place. The deals and free coupons are updated regularly and span a wide range of product categories to address a variety of shopping needs.

It Rocks !!!!


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