Sara asked a great question in the comments of a previous post... Do I use the couponizer. While I think it's great, I'd need the Coupon Ninja version, because I just have way too many to fit in there!!!
I actually use 3 different organizers. I'm probably going to have to re-vamp my system soon though, as I'm really getting overstuffed and running out of room!!!! Would love to hear from you guys as to what you do to keep your deals running smoothly and your Q's in order.
click photo for larger view
2 semi-large accordion style files that I picked up at the Walmart
-- These are for "Food" and "Not Food" basically.
1 small'ish accordion style file that I got at the Office Depot. I call it my Hot Q Holder.
-- This houses the coupons I file for each store I plan to do a deal at (or hope to go to)
-- also has my ECBs, Walgreens Rebate Card, and extra "key tag" cards for the stores. I have one taped inside each store's section.
-- Also in the front I have the "free" coupons, or really HOT Q's that I know I'll use and want to have handy.
-- I keep rebates in there, restaurant Q's, haircut discounts, stuff like that.
I drag them all around with me in a very big Billabong bag that I got at PacSun awhile back. I reckon it looks like a diaper bag, now that I look at it... I originally got it for our vacation to Tucson last February.
I stockpile - meaning I buy stuff that's on sale with a Q. I always go for items that are free or nearly free, and I purchase at least 4 copies of the Sunday paper each week. Sometimes more, if the Q's are really good. My grandmother in Omaha, and my mother in law in Tucson send me their Sunday coupons... because they're awesome, but also because they love me.
I read a lot at slickdeals, and always post there to 'give back'... There are some real deal geniuses there.
I also am always on the lookout for coupons in the stores.
I'm sure there's more to it.. but it's the basics of How I Roll...
I have a couple like you do for my "hot" deals - somewhat like you have but my big difference, as I see it, is that I have a big (BIG) box / tupperware thing that holds all my past inserts and I keep them filed in there til I need them.
I look up on different sites database's where the coupon I need is (what date and what insert, like SS 9/28). Then I just cut out what I need when I need it. I do file away the q's that I pick up around town and that I've cut out and the store didn't happen to have.
I try to keep a Wags and a CVS flyer (or two) in the front so that I have something to reference if I need to (or the store doesn't happen to have one). Also keep local store flyers/ coupons there too.
Check it out:
Hey I'm in Indiana too!
That's one heckuva coupon organizer!!
I do something "similar" in that what I don't clip from an insert, I save in a binder that I don't bring with me. Just in case a deal pops up on something I never thought I'd need to buy, but ended up wanting to since it was free or part of another deal. An example was last month's brandsaver, the $1/1 Dawn Handsaver (or something) dish soap. I'm so glad I had the inserts saved, because I'm pleased to say that 15 or so of those little buggers along w/a bottle of tide helped pay for that Iron Man DVD that made DH so very happy.
But I tried the "file and clip later/as needed" approach and missed a bunch of deals. I find that I remember the Q's better once I have clipped and lovingly filed them away... I'm sick like that I guess...
Thank you for the pictures!! Man are you organized!!! I need to get some kind of a system... :-)
Help is on the way. I just pulled the winner of the mega coupon binder so you can get organized. Cheapsk8mom is the winner.
Check your email. Send me your info so I can mail this monster to you. LOL
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